3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop - Frascati - The final agenda is online!Don't miss the chance to join the 3rd GEO Data Providers Workshop which, from 2-4 May 2018 at the European Space Agency in Frascati,...
DAB4EDGE Kick-off Meeting, Feb. 16, 2018The Kick-Off meeting of the DAB4EDGE (short for GEOSS Discovery and Access Broker support for EuropeanDirection in GEOSS Common...
From GCI towards a GEOSS Platform to better serve data usersThe latest progress on implementation of the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS) was highlighted at GEO Week 2017, during...
Download the Report on the 2nd GEO Data Providers WorkshopWe have the pleasure to share with you all the 2nd GEO Data Providers workshop report. Download the full report here, and visit the...