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Pubblicazione Bando IIA per Assegno di ricerca
Il CNR ha pubblicato il bando per l'assegnazione di un assegno di ricerca per lavorare nel team ESSI-Lab (Informatica per le Scienze...
The ISDE11 proceedings have just been published in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science - an open access journal from...
SESS Report 2020
SIOS is currently working on its third “State of Environmental Science in Svalbard (SESS) report”. The SESS report summarises the state...
Online conference on remote sensing in Svalbard - 4-5 June
Join the online Conference on "Earth Observation (EO), Remote Sensing(RS) and Geoinformation (GI) applications in Svalbard". The...
Training course on terrestrial remote sensing in Svalbard
In early September, SIOS will offer a training course on how to effectively use remote sensing data acquired from satellites, from the...
Now You Can Blog from Everywhere!
We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to manage your blog from anywhere. In this blog post we’ll share the ways you can post to your...
Design a Stunning Blog
When it comes to design, the Wix blog has everything you need to create beautiful posts that will grab your reader's attention. Check out...
Grow Your Blog Community
With Wix Blog, you’re not only sharing your voice with the world, you can also grow an active online community. That’s why the Wix blog...
Join Roberto Salzano at the SIOS’s webinar series to learn more on "The support of terrestrial
In response to the new challenges posed by COVID-19, the Remote Sensing Working Group (RSWG) members have organized the mini webinar...
Submit your manuscript in the SIOS’s special issue on "Earth Observation (EO), Remote Sensing (
We are pleased to announce SIOS’s special issue on "Earth Observation (EO), Remote Sensing (RS) and Geoinformation (GI) applications in...
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