VLAB Workshop was successfully completed!
The VLAB Workshop was successfully held on 26-28th of February 2019 at the CNR Research Area of Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italy.
Over 40 people, representing all the ERA-PLANET strand projects partners, attended the event.
The main goal of this three-days Workshop was to give an opportunity for participants in the ERA-PLANET project to work together on the vision and implementation of the ERA-PLANET Knowledge Platform, discussing and experimenting the functionalities and planned enhancements of the VLAB.
On the first day, the VLAB was introduced in the context of the ERA-PLANET project, including presentations of results achieved in GEOESSENTIAL and other projects. During the second day attendees actively participated to hands-on sessions for starting or finalizing the porting of their models on the VLAB. The third day was dedicated to discussions about potential enhancements of the VLAB.
Presentations are available at the following link: https://confluence.geodab.eu/display/ER/Presentations#Florence_workshop